Pukka.news : ambition brief.

Pukka.news will be a platform and network dedicated to: (discovery of, contribution to, and support for) the production of authentic and trustworthy news reporting by independent journalists anywhere on earth.

At present, mainstream corporations hold a monopoly on the perception of world events, pushing their narratives without providing weighted alternatives, readers find themselves consuming propaganda or falling for false stories often designed to create uninformed (sometimes extreme) viewpoints - in effect raising useful idiots who operate on transplanted hollow clique belief systems, sometimes even unintentionally playing a role in “false flags” and bad optics operations that serve only to provide fuel and bring about the opposite narrative.

Pukka.news at its core is a neutral and unbiased service - “ideas of merit will stand up to scrutiny”, a battleground and ecosystem for all and opposing viewpoints, encouraging where possible meaningful contributions to discussion of [events, articles, ideas, fact maps] and their developments; stories seldom appear from nowhere, they have histories with multiple actors and a complex web of events that culminate in the ‘headline’ article - pukka news articles should provide audiences barrier-free access to impartial Wikipedia-like linking of facts, with real-time tracking and notification as events progress.

It should be trivial to support the research and growth of independent journalists by encouraging users to donate (in Bitcoin initially) direct to the efforts of those authors (we take no cut), creating in the process a fair market for the production of desired and impartial documenting of world events.

It should be possible to explore the underlying sequence of facts and related aspects leading up to an event - for the first time audiences could while at the source: traverse, ‘zoom out’ and ‘enhance’ not only that story but surrounding and related events, in doing so gaining a wholesome and thorough contextual understanding. We will support external researchers that diligently work to bring together sometimes overlooked puzzle pieces, creating space for them to present their proposals for others to analyse and contribute to.

Pukka.news and related initiatives are run as profit-sharing companies, operating under the principle of ‘reap what you sow’ - rewards & influence are allocated by weight & merit of contributions. We will reinvest at every opportunity into the development of complementary services and community efforts. Our ambitions include:

We believe that networks of individuals working together in transparent goal based groups stand a better chance at creating worldwide benevolent and lasting change.

Thanks for reading, to get in touch contact pukka@rob.pw - send some details about your talents and abilities, give me a quick rundown of your motivations, or even share some of your insights and possible solutions.
~ United we will save the timeline.


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Mission Statement

It ends today, the procrastination which blights the path to success. Enough is enough. For a long time I’ve had ambitions, dreams of working for myself as a freelance software engineer, but keep stalling due to lack of focus.... Continue →